Athletic Footwear are not all made the same. What is the difference between neutral and stability shoes?

Proper athletic shoes can be matched to your requirements to help you maximize your comfort and performance in competition, work, and/or leisure activities such as walking or jogging.
Neutral shoes are usually highly cushion and have little to no stability features. They contain a midsole made of one density of cushioned foam. These shoes are better suited for individuals with neutral to high arches and/or patients who are using custom foot orthoses. Custom foot orthoses will contain all of the stability features a patient needs. There should be no extra stability features from a shoe that may counteract or enhance the design of the foot orthoses.
Stability shoes contain supportive features within the shoe to help control pronation. They can contain GuideRails which are “bumpers” to help position the foot to a neutral position from heel strike to toe off. They can also have a firmer density foam midsole on the inside or medial side of the shoe to help push a medial heel striker to a more neutral position and to provide arch support. These shoes are better suited for individuals who have low to flat arches that pronate and DO NOT use custom foot orthoses.
Athletic footwear comes in a variety of styles, colors, sizes, widths and materials. Elio’s foot comfort centre carries a range featuring high quality top brand names. It’s very important for customers to consider all the key features and to be sized correctly to ensure the shoe fits and functions properly. Let Elio’s specialists improve your comfort and performance so that you can live a happy, pain-free life.