What Is a Fungal Nail Infection?
A fungal nail infection is a common condition that can leave you with brittle, discolored toe nails. Fungi are tiny organisms that can only be seen through a microscope. Many different types of fungi can cause a nail infection.
Onychomycosis is the formal name for a fungal nail infection. It is similar type of infection to athlete’s foot, but instead of affecting the skin on the bottom of your feet or between your toes, it invades your toe nails.
Types of Fungal Nail Infections
There are four main kinds of fungal nail infections. Each looks slightly different:
- Distal or lateral subungual onychomycosis. This is the most common type of fungal nail infection, and it results from a fungus called a dermatophyte. It starts with a yellowish colored area on your nail that spreads from the edges to the center of the nail.
- White superficial onychomycosis. This is less common and only affects the nail surface. It starts as white spots, which become powdery and cause the nail to crumble.
- Proximal subungual onychomycosis. This appears first as white spots in the center of the nail bed at the cuticle. The spots move outward as the nail grows. It is rare and usually affects people who have immune system problems.
- Candidal onychomycosis. Yeast causes this type of infection. The area around the nails is often swollen and inflamed, and the nails may come off entirely. It tends to happen to nails that have been damaged by an injury or another infection.
Fungal Nail Infection Symptoms
Symptoms can vary depending on which type of fungal nail infection you have. Infections usually start mild and eventually become more serious.
- At first, you may only see a white or yellow spot under your nail. Over time, this spreads and can turn your whole nail white, yellow, green, or black.
- The nail may thicken and could become hard to trim.
- The nail may start to curl up or down, or loosen from the nail bed.
- The nail could become brittle and crumble when you touch it.
- The nail may become misshapen.
- The nail may omit a bad smell.
You’re more likely to get a fungal nail infection if you:
- Are a man
- Are older. Nails become more brittle as you age.
- Have a weak immune system or ongoing health problems like diabetes
- Wear shoes that make your feet hot and sweaty
- Walk barefoot through gym showers, swimming pools, and locker rooms. These are places where fungus spreads easily.
- Live with someone who has a fungal infection
- Have athlete’s foot. The fungus that causes it can spread to your nails.
- Recently had an injury or surgery on your nail, or had a previous infection
Fungal Nail Infection Prevention
- It’s a good idea to wash your feet often.
- Keep your toenails short and trimmed straight across.
- Wear socks that wick away moisture.
- Use antifungal powder or spray on your feet as well as in your shoes.
If you suspect you have a fungal nail infection, call Elio’s Foot Comfort Centre at 905-227-4215 to book an appointmnt with our Chiropodist.
*Information taken from webmd.com

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