How diabetes affects feet is a focus of Elio’s team of experts. Elio’s staff advises our patients living with diabetes to focus on footcare as a daily activity. Statistics show approximately 2.3 million Canadians currently live with diabetes.
The data also shows 14 to 24 per cent of diabetics are at risk of suffering a foot ulcer that could result in the amputation of a foot or leg.
Diabetes Affects Feet
Nerve damage is also known as neuropathy. When neuropathy effects your feet, it can cause damage in your sensory, motor or autonomic nerves.
Over a long period of time high blood glucose levels can cause damage to many areas of your body, including your feet and legs.
High blood glucose levels can cause damage to nerve systems in your body, which stops important messages getting to and from your brain.
The nerves in your body that are most likely to be affected are the longest; those that have to reach all the way to your feet and legs.
Elio’s team of experts can show you how damage to these nerves due to diabetes may affect your feet.
Diabetes Affects Feet
Damage to sensory nerves can cause loss of sensation in your feet.
People affected by this damage are less able to feel pain, temperatures and vibrations..
Elio’s New Foot Care Clinic
To meet the foot health needs of a growing customer base, our new foot care clinic offers patients a bigger space to provide superior service. In our new spacious facility, Elio’s will continually expand its selection with more bracing, compression stockings, orthopedic footwear and diabetic shoes, and rooms to make adjustments on Elio’s custom made orthotics, footwear modifications, and much more.
The facility with leading technology enables Canadian Certified Pedorthists to conduct foot assessments in one of our four private patient rooms. Come and see Elio’s new foot care clinic.
Elio’s is a member of the Pedorthic Association of Canada. Learn more about foot health from the Canadian Certified Pedorthists at Elio’s Foot Comfort Centre in Thorold.
“For more than 30 years, I suffered from severe over pronation. Elio’s custom made boots relieved my chronic hip and shoulder pain. Finally, I can walk with no brace. and work in comfort.”
“You truly care about our comfort and satisfaction. We really appreciated all you do for us. Thank you for always providing the best service! “
“My feet are comfortable for the first time ever. I am energized because of it. Other parts of my body are relaxing. The pain is going away because I am finally walking properly.”
“Elio’s staff is very friendly, courteous and quick despite being busy. Elio’s orthotics are properly customized to my feet.”
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