Diabetic Foot Screening
For the assessment and management of the Diabetic Foot
The diabetic foot screening consists of a series of tests and questions by a Chiropodist or Canadian Certified Pedorthist.
Elio’s Foot Comfort Experts the following diabetic foot risk factors:
- Loss of sensation/ Neuropathy
- Foot movement and muscle strength
- Vascular deficiencies
- Skin and nail conditions
- Bone deformity
- Appropriate footwear and Insoles/Orthotics
Elio’s Screening Sessions will be thoroughly done by Elio’s in-house Chiropodist or one of Elio’s Canadian Certified Pedorthists. The screening appointment can take approximately 15 to 30 minutes at Elio’s Foot Comfort Centre in Thorold.
Rates Vary Depending on the Diabetic Foot Screening Service You Choose:
- Diabetic Foot Screening by Canadian Certified Pedorthist: $30 + HST
- Diabetic Foot Screening by Chiropodist: $60 + HST
The Chiropody service covers nail care, callus, corn and wart removal, fungal treatment, ultra sound, ingrown toenails, and other foot care service that may be required.
The Chiropody service may be covered under most health insurance plans.
Since 1970, Elio’s has been a popular place to buy innovative, top quality product lines – comfort shoes, safety footwear, sandals, and shoes for men or women. Their popular products remain big sellers and the business stands out as Niagara’s one-stop shop for foot comfort.
Customers suffering from foot pain will find a custom-made solution at Elio’s. Compression stockings, diabetic footwear, custom-made shoes and orthotics, orthopedic footwear modifications, along with comfort shoes are among Elio’s many options.
While quality products displayed in a renovated facility and new technology put Elio’s a step ahead, the most valuable asset at Elio’s is its staff. Over the years, Elio’s has made changes to prosper in business, but recent investments in human resources have really moved the company forward.
Elio’s team of experts can provide assistance to help prevent foot complications for patients with diabetes. Elio’s provides diabetic foot care and individualized treatments based on each patient’s needs and budget. Take the first step by booking an initial consultation with a Chiropodist.