The month of May is all about foot health awareness. Many doctors and health experts say that good health starts with the feet first. With this idea in mind, Elio`s Foot Comfort Centre is presenting a community education program in May to promote Foot Health Awareness Month in Niagara.
On average, a typical person moves about 10,000 steps per day, which totals up to more than 3 million steps on an annual basis. Although we know the foot is the most used and most part of a person’s daily life, the experts at Elio`s notice that many people neglect foot health before they come for a foot assessment.

Elio`s wants to educate people in our community on methods to take care of their primary forms of movement.
Good foot health is the first step to enjoy an active and pain-free lifestyle. The average person supports approximately four to six times their body weight across the ankle joint when stepping upstairs or walking steep inclines. With 26 bones and 33 joints, our feet are vitally important as the postural foundation for the entire skeletal structure of a human body.

It is also known that foot pain and mechanical imbalance can affect other parts of a body, and cause knee pain, hip problems, and lower back ailments.
In recognition of Foot Health Awareness Month in May, Elio`s is offering foot assessments as a first step on the pathway to happy feet. Elio’s team also recommends the following health tips:

  • Examine your feet daily for changes, discoloration of the skin or nails.
  • Trim toenails straight across not jagged to the corners.
  • Always keep feet warm, clean, and dry. Give your feet TLC and pampering.
  • Inspect footwear and check regularly for fit and signs of excess wear.
  • Wear comfort shoes to reduce skin friction.
  • Excessive foot skin friction could cause calluses.
  • Move your body. Be active and exercise to help blood circulation to your feet.

Elio`s in-house Chiropodist also provides a wide range of foot health services:

  • toe nail care
  •  corn, callus or wart removal
  • fungal infection treatment
  • preventative care for diabetic patients
  • treatment of diabetic ulcers

Elio`s team of Canadian Certified Pedorthists are also available to provide personalized solutions in the four private patient rooms in their new clinic. Visit Elio`s in their new facility in the Pine Shopping Centre, 9 Pine St. N., Thorold or go online to to request an appointment.
Take the first step to happy feet with Elio`s where they turn pain into comfort. Get a foot care consultation in May at Elio’s.

Please share this news with people you know suffer foot pain.  Elio’s want to promote foot health awareness.