We Want Your Support
At Elio’s Foot Comfort Centre, we want to educate our patients and the general public about insurance fraud in the orthotic industry.
Unfortunately, some individuals who purchase orthotics and / or orthopedic footwear with their insurance benefits may be participating in insurance fraud without knowing it.
We hope to do our part to prevent future fraud by bringing attention to this issue.
Why We Follow the Regulations for You
At Elio’s, we make it a priority to closely follow regulations put forth by the Pedorthic Association of Canada and the Ontario Society of Chiropodists, as well as individual insurance guidelines.
We do not want to put our practitioners’ licenses, or our patients’ insurance benefits at risk.
Unfortunately, this practice is not followed by every clinic in our industry, so it is important for you to choose a provider (such as Elio’s Foot Comfort Centre) who will properly handle your insurance claims.
What Fraudulent Activities Should You Look Out For?
Receiving free shoes (or other free products) when you purchase custom made orthotics should be a red flag for you. If you do not have off-the-shelf orthopedic shoe coverage through your insurance plan and you still receive “free shoes”, it is likely that a fraudulent claim will be sent to your insurance company (which could ultimately put your benefits at risk).
In many cases, “free shoes” never show up on your insurance paperwork because providers inflate the cost of your orthotics (or other eligible products) to cover the cost of your shoes.
For this reason, you should always look at your insurance paperwork to be sure the correct products and services are being billed.
Contact us with your questions or comments
info@eliosfootcomfort.com | 905-227-4215 | 9 Pine St. N., Thorold
Do you suspect fraud?
Please report suspected fraud in a phone call or email directly to one of the following insurance companies. Contact information for other insurers is available on request.
- Great West Life: Toll free phone 1-866-810-8477 confide@gwl.ca
- Green Shield Canada: 1-800-265-5615 extension 6921, bmis@greenshield.ca
- Manulife: 1-877-481-9171, shareandprotect@manulife.com
- Sun Life Financial: Toll free phone 1-888-882-2221, clues@sunlife.com
Help Stop Insurance Fraud. Recognize It. Refuse It. Report It.