Proper Fitting Footwear Key for Don Alexander in Testimonial on Taking “giant step in the right direction” with Elio’s.

“Elio’s has knowledge and a variety of suppliers to advise me and fit the extra wide shoes I need. The day I went to Eliio’s was a giant step in the right direction. A year ago, with the fitting advice and care of Rob DiFelice, I chose a pair of walking boots and then a month later I was back for a pair of walking shoes.

In the year since that time I have walked with comfort and assurance here and away; in the city and in the countryside; in Scotland, Mexico, North Carolina, and the Maritimes. And in Thorold too!!!”

Don Shares Story of Foot Pain – Unsteady Gait – Walking Compromised.

“In the past, other shoe stores gave me their widest but I didn’t know there were specialty suppliers that could go them one better.  All those previous years, I had been cramped and wearing-out soles and heels on the outside.  I was lopsided!!  My gait was becoming unsteady and my enjoyment of walking was becoming compromised,” said Don.

Proper Fitting Footwear Restored Don’s Walking Pleasure

“It took the specialty shop at Elio’s to finally fit me with a proper width and set me on the delightful path to walking pleasure,” attested Don.

Take the First Step to Happy Feet – Get Foot Assessment at Elio’s

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